Thursday, December 10, 2015

Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Heart! With your powers combined, this is a post.

Each sign has an "element" that goes with it. Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Each sign among them is paired with a sort of energy. Fixed energy is akin to potential energy. A person under a fixed sign is more than just stubborn, when their mind is made up they are immovable.  Cardinal energy is more like kinetic energy. A person under a cardinal sign is very busy. Very busy telling you what to do, mainly. Mutable energy is a bit more of a wild card. A person under a mutable sign doesn't mind giving and taking in interactions. They're okay with being the one who tells others what to do as well as taking orders occasionally.

These different energy types match with an element in each sign. Each match gives a sign it's main characteristics that are the backbone of its personality. I usually just talk mess about the signs, so I promise to say at least once nice thing about each sign this time.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign. BAM. If anybody knows how to get something started it's the Aries. Keeping it going definitely someone else's job. The fire element shines very brightly in Aries. They are hot-blooded, exciting and active people. The cardinal energy is expressed in their interactions with others. Aries is more of a taker than a giver and they will do so without giving a damn. Do not expect them to respond to subtle suggestions that they give you a break. You will have to spell it out for them and then convince them it was their idea. When it's their idea, they're off like a shot!

 Aries is like the sunshine that wakes up the world after a long winter.

Taurus is a fixed earth sign. If anybody knows how to create a stable environment, it's the Taurus. Here's a combination that makes sense. Earth should be fixed, damn it. Starting something completely different is not in their wheelhouse whatsoever. They are the type of who have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future. They'll settle in okay, because that's what they do but the anticipation of having to leave something behind is very unsettling to them. The Earth element appears in their warm, gentle nature. They may be sweeties but they will not be pushed around by anybody. Ever.

Taurus is the warm and nurturing soil that supports life.

Gemini is a mutable air sign. If anybody knows how to keep things exciting and ever-changing it's the Gemini. Their mutability is evident across their entire personality. Gemini is up for anything and they don't care who's the boss as long as they're having fun. The airy quality is represented in their quick intelligence and light-hearted outlook on life. They can also be a little careless, not because of any meanness but due to their lack of attachment and lack of a need to boss, own or demand.

Gemini is the sweet air of spring, carrying the fleeting scent of blossoms.

Cancer is a cardinal water sign. We've made our first go-round of energy types. Take what you remember about the cardinal energy in Aries, but apply it to water. Think of how the ocean erodes and wears away everything that it swallows up. Even jagged, broken glass becomes smooth and beautiful under the influence of water. The only problem is, those who interact with Cancer who don't want to be reshaped, even if it would be for the better. Cancer takes it personally and is hurt by this reaction to their well-meaning influences.

Cancer is the ceaseless pounding of the ocean, beautiful and a little dangerous.

Leo is a fixed fire sign. As we are only living in a semi-incarnate version of the dark ages now, we know that the sun appears to travel across the sky as the day wears on. Leos symbol is the sun. Think of the sun at high noon, when it appears fixed to the top of the heavens and is beaming down intensely over all. That is the fixed fire of Leo. They are a little intense. All that hot-blooded energy of a fire sign, focused. Like a laser. They have a lot of positive qualities but like the other fixed signs, they are incredibly stubborn as well. Think of those moments when the sun seems to linger forever on the edge of the horizon painting the sky brilliant colors. That's a fixed fire as well.

Leo is the life-giving heat of the sun, fixed in the sky. Avoid sunburn.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign. One doesn't think of the element of Earth as being super flexible. I think of Virgos as being freshly tilled earth. They do a lot of the necessary, boring sort of work that others might avoid with pleasure. Virgos know the value of taking one for the team, but they will never let you forget that you owe them one. They are definitely more mutable and flexible than even they think they are. The earthiness of their sign shows in their practicality and how much they value hard work. The weirdness of mixing the element of earth and mutable energy comes through in their occasionally anxious personalities.

Virgo is like freshly turned earth, ready to grow again next year.

Libra is a cardinal air sign. As soon as the cool, crisp air of fall begins to blow, our minds turn to one of two things. One feels the overwhelming urge to acquire a pumpkin spice latte or to make fun of people who do.  Librans are one with all things comfy and cozy. Their cardinal energy leads others to embrace these warm fuzzies. A Libra who is living in a disorganized, unbalanced, or just straight up ugly environment could feel physically sick from it. (It sounds nuts, but I've seen it happen.) The Libra has all the bright, intellectually curious, light-hearted qualities that air signs have, bathed in a more practical cardinal energy. That being said, Libras make really good bosses.

Libra is the crisp, cool air of fall that suddenly makes you want to snuggle.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign. Okay, fixed water can get a little swampy and brackish, if one isn't careful. Think of ice instead. Ice is cold, beautiful and dangerous. Scorpios are dangerous when a part of them stagnates and feelings are left to rot. When they're at their best, they are teeming with emotion and life. A Scorpio has to figure out how to cycle through these feelings and clear themselves out on their own. Nobody can teach them this. They have to learn it the hard way at first.

Scorpio is the water of the low-lands. It appears to be still but underneath it's teeming with life and possibly alligators.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. Now this makes sense! Fire is constantly moving and changing as it catches and burns. Some of the other elemental/energetic placements are a little awkward but this one is really well suited. Sagittarius' fire is a metaphorical fire. The fire of ideas and how they catch, spread, burn brightly and occasionally burn out only to be rebuilt from the coals. Sagittarius doesn't get too attached to things, but their ideas are their babies. They will nurture them and keep them going as long as they can. Their words are also firey. They will give back-handed compliments and say things with a sting in their tail. They don't mean any harm and stings from words fade away quickly.

Sagittarius is the fire in the head. A bright, idea that quickly spreads.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. They are at home on mountain tops and lonely places where the jerks of the world can't find them. They are all about planning ahead and the Earth they represent is earth that is built (or naturally exists) in a way that directs people. Small towns in the mountains, are built around the slopes and rivers. They could only exist in a few ways due to these restrictions. Think also of terraced hillsides, designed to support a great number of people in mountainous areas of the world. Anything useful and a little rocky is Capricorn territory. They go to great lengths to get the best for themselves and they want that for those who are close to them. (Whether those who are close to them want it or not).

Capricorn is cool, rocky Earth that rivers work around on their way to the ocean.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign. What the what? Fixed air makes no sense, and sounds stifling to be honest. I've seen this described by Linda Goodman as being like a rainbow. Something almost illusory that hangs, fixed in the air but is only temporary. I also think of the air of deep winter that is so very cold that it's hard to breathe. Aquarians are the most flexible of the fixed signs. They're open to changing their mind if they're proven wrong. If they are dealing with something that is mostly based in opinion (no facts involved) they will never change their mind ever. They appear to be random to those who don't know them well. If you zoom out, you'll see the randomness start to form a particular pattern.

Aquarius is a mirage that appears to hang in the air. Sort of an optical illusion.

Pisces is a mutable water sign. Here's another one that really makes sense. Fish belong in the water and water is meant to flow. Hell yes. Pisces is like the river, born to run. To run from problems, drama, cheese that smells weird, anything that strikes them as unpleasant that doesn't have to be dealt with directly, etc. That mutable energy can come across as wishy washy but if you don't like it, they won't miss you. They'll just swim off to someone who either likes it or just doesn't mind. They need to feel loose and free in their lives or they're miserable.

Pisces is the water in the river. Constantly flowing, changing and running both smooth and wild.

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