Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Redneck Pisces

Come with me now. Dig, if you will, the picture. You are walking through what used to be a Roses but has now turned into a permanent flea market. There are rough and shady characters admiring "authentic replica" samurai swords with Confederate flags on them. There are barefoot, sticky-handed children tearing up and down the labyrinthine aisles. You spy a middle-aged couple tenderly holding hands in front of a table. You sidle up next to them to see what is capturing their attention. These two dreamy-eyed lovers are admiring several dream-catchers with dyed blue and purple feathers and tie-dyed t-shirts with howling wolves and dolphins drifting through space.

You have found the lair of the Redneck Pisces. Obvious exits are West, South and an indoor hot-dog stand/sno cone machine. What will you do?

The obvious answer is nothing. The Redneck Pisces is not going to start no mess. It's not in their nature. Their symbol is a pair of fish, swimming in opposite directions. If you jump up and yell "Boo!" at a fish it will just look at you, or swim away. The same rules apply here. These lovely people really do often have dreamy-looking eyes that appear to be focused somewhere far away. They are ruled by Neptune and this in particular gives them a non-confrontational, take life as it comes sort of attitude. Pisces is a mutable water sign and most have a sort of watery but not wishy-washy disposition. You can't be wishy-washy if you don't give a damn, am I right? Just because one is taking the path of least resistance doesn't mean that particular path isn't the best or most preferred one.

The sign of Pisces blends rather well with a redneck attitude. They want to be left to their own devices and they hope others do the same. I've never met a Pisces who I would call nosy. Pisces are friendly sorts of people and they don't have much of a predisposition for "rockin' the boat". Pisces wanst to have a good time and not let things get too overly emotional (they are emotive people but coming completely unhinged has little attraction for them). They're just good plain' folks who believe that dreams can come true and that people really aren't that horrible after all.

In an incredibly not shocking at all development, there are hardly any well-known, Pisces-born working country musicians today. Since that is the case, here's one who's a classic, Mr Charley Pride

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