Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's hard out there for an Aries...

I've been an absolute neglectasaurus as far as this blog is concerned.

Naturally, I blame the current astrological forecast. Mars is in Taurus right now and if there was ever an astrological recipe for lazy, that would be it. Mix with egg and flour, bake for 14 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean, dust lightly with confectioners sugar.

Last Saturday I had the fortune to get to see my Aquarian soul-sister after nearly a year. I was so ridiculously happy. It was better than Yule-mas. We had a blast and parted with big hugs and a vow to definitely do this again. (Which if you are a girl, you know usually doesn't mean anything but this time, it was earnest.) Each sign of the zodiac acts a certain way when they meet up with someone who is in the same sign as them.Some are harmonious, some butt heads in ways that the audience of America's Funniest Home Videos could only appreciate.

Below, I cover Aries through Leo with the rest of the soul sisters and soul brothers coming soon!

Aries + Aries = Musical Number
"Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!"
Just like that, back and forth over everything. Aries, to me is the perpetual newborn of the zodiac. They do not give one flying fuck if they woke you up at 3:45AM to get something to eat and you have to be awake and peppy at work at 6:00AM. They had to have it and you are there to meet their needs. Ask someone who has given birth to twins what that was like. Yeah. Ruled by Mars, just up and startin' some shit is their national pastime. Heads will roll and they will laugh all the way. Two Aries people together can be fun if they're both in a good mood and have at least two other people tagging along so each Aries has a captive audience. Just the two of them? Good luck.

Taurus + Taurus = Post Thanksgiving Nap/Football Watching
When these two people meet, things get chill. Real quick. The stage of life they represent is the toddler. They're happy just to be around. They have smiles that will warm your heart but take them out of their comfy routine and they cry. Though they have a stubborn streak that's less of a streak and more of a fault line they usually get along harmoniously due to their ruler Venus. That planet influences them to be generally easy-going and charming. They're not likely to make a big fuss or get in each others faces because that would take too much energy. Together they will take it slow, keep it cute (or put it on mute) and generally have a nice time.

Gemini + Gemini = That weird part in Watchmen with all the Doctor Manhattans feelin' up on Laurie while the main one is working on a project.
That scene gives me the jibblies. Two Gemini's is four people! Two sets of twins. They get super bouncy when they are together and they have a marvelous time. Nobody else has a marvelous time, but they'll be too distracted to notice. They represent childhood in the wheel of life. Gemini's can be filled with new ideas and imagination but blissfully unaware about the things that happen around them everyday. Give them some space and let the magic happen. Their Mercury-guided communication will be so fluid they will almost seem to have their own secret language. They will be so happy together. Even when the evil twins get together to play the worst that will happen is they will forget to clean up after themselves.

Cancer + Cancer = Small Town girl, livin' in a lonely world, took the midnight train goin' anywheeeeeeeere!
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Here we have two emotional "tweenage"-acting people, ruled by the constantly changing Moon trying to have a good time. They will, as long as they feel secure enough to open up to each other. Hilariously, enough they have a tendency to "Mother" people. They both will have a strong connection to their Mothers, markedly stronger than most people.  Cancerians have a very romantic (in the 19th century sense) sort of personality and they delight in the bizarre and the slightly macabre. If they have a falling out, which they will, it will be brief. They have so much in common that forgiveness is certain. It's much easier to wear your heart on your sleeve when you know that there will be someone standing beside you, holding your hand to block anybody who might poke at it too roughly. Pop some popcorn and watch them try to "Mother" each other, it's a sight to see.


But for serious. Ruled by the sun, represented by the "king" of the jungle, Leos are stand-outs. They can hardly bear to share the spotlight with someone else but if they must, let it at least be with another Leo. Leos represent the teenagers of the zodiac. They feel like they are in the peak of their life, invincible and most importantly they are always right. Two people who are always right and feel invincible live a fast, exalted existence which can get them into trouble that even their winning smiles can't get them out of. This pairing probably needs a chaperone, but who would want to put up with these two without getting paid for it? Beats me.

1 comment:

  1. I have to be careful not to laugh out loud in public while I'm reading this. I love how you write like you speak, but in the good way. The ENTERTAINING WAY. The way that makes me want more and more, 'cause I'm a greedy bitch like that.

