Friday, June 10, 2011

Double Trouble! Continued

I last left you, my little kittens with mittens was in the paws of Leo. I won't be doing that again anytime soon, I promise. We're going to continue along the zodiac with the next pair of signs and what chemical reactions happen when they're stuck in an elevator together.

You can bet your bonnet that two Virgos won't be livin' it up while they're goin' down. They'll be to busy worrying about whether they are late or not all the while wondering what Cherie Berry is really like.

Virgo + Virgo = My Fair Lady minus Eliza

Have you ever met two people who deserved each other, but in the good way? That's Virgo and Virgo. Their finicky behaviors double up. Their cautiousness doubles up. Their sweet nature and desire to help others doubles up as well. The bad part is that Virgos who have obsessive/compulsive tendencies can start a really bad cycle together. They will rationalize each others insanity and dig themselves quite a hole. They represent the young adult stage of life. Out on your own in your early twenties experiencing the prime part of life to either break shit or start carving your niche in the world. As this pair is ruled by Mercury (which is you read back to the Gemini paring doesn't make much sense; it works with them very differently. Here Mercury works with Earth and not air. You can actually do something with some Earth. Air just gets moved around and through) so they are much more likely to take this state for all it's worth. Mercury influences their quick minds and aids them in making the best effort to get it right the first time. What do you do when it's your natural tendency to help people improve themselves and they just won't listen? What do two of those people do together? Who knows, I don't ask because I don't really want to know.

Libra + Libra =

Oh yes. I left the equals part blank on purpose. What else do you think you get when you get two people ruled by Venus (meaning they want to keep things light and pleasant, avoiding conflict like certain celebutantes avoid jail time) to solve a serious problem? What will two people who love to see all the angles an issue has to offer, then debate about the best choice and then the best time to enact the decision, (waiting for everybody involved to give input about their upcoming schedules) do to actually get together to solve a real problem? Not a lot. Two people who think the debate itself is more valuable than the actual answer can only stick together when it doesn't matter. Hey you, Libra! You lookin' for someone to get a milkshake with? Go with your fellow Libra friend and stand there in front of the cookout sign laughing about how you just can't decide which one you want. Now get that same friend and go make a real decision together. Librans represent the stage of life where one settles down with their mate, their missing piece, the other half of their baguette. They don't want to do anything alone. It'll be hell but they'll be so glad to have each other that they won't really mind.

Scorpio + Scorpio = Wait what?

It's true. They don't just meet up together under the full moon to mate then hastily retreat back to their cracks in the wall in the basement to raise their young/read ancient issues of National Geographic. But for serious folks. Scorpios are intense people ruled by mighty Pluto. They are passionate people who really don't want to surround themselves with anybody who isn't a worthwhile person who does what they say they're going to do. Scorpio represents the time of life when you are fully in adulthood, you're cougaring it up like a mofo, gettin' what you want and having a good time though not forgetting that death could take you at any time. When they get together, it's like two eagles, talons locked spinning through the sky. They will judge each other as thoroughly as they judge other people, even more so, because they'll have the distinct feeling that the other can hide just as much as they want to, and they'll be right. Once the challenges are presented and conquered they'll be all buddy-buddy like there wasn't just a hideous, almost bloody death match. Thank goodness, because it's hard to book Caesar's Palace twice in a week.

Sagittarius + Sagittarius = The picture sequence playing over the credits of The Hangover

I only have my Sagittarius rising and when I hang out with another Sag it feels like I'm on drugs. I couldn't imagine being an actual Sag hanging out with another Sag. Two people ruled by the larger-than-life planet Jupiter. Zeus/Jupiter knew how to party mang. A rip-roaring time is guaranteed and I'd suggest that anybody who considers themselves sensible will lock their doors, pull down the shades and pretend they aren't home when they come around. The Sag is in the middle of a mid-life crisis, no matter what age they are actually. The stage of life where things just aren't comfortable any longer and a big change is in order to shake things up. This pair, much like the Virgo/Virgo they will talk each other into things but here they are more than likely to be crazy, outrageous things far off in the stars. It could be something as good as running your own tiki bar in an ideal location that could really use one. It'll get off the ground like a bottle rocket but knowing their fantastic luck, it'll keep on going. Sometimes it will break the neighbors window. But still, FUN!

Capricorn + Capricorn = Watching old GOP members with no rhythm dancing to "Bad, Bad LeRoy Brown".

Ugh. I know. These two influence each other to slowly get stuffier and stuffier. They won't think it's a problem at all, until they get older. Watching a person who previously meant a lot to you slowly getting more and more infuriating and hideous each day is not good. They're not good at change but they are excellent at giving the cold shoulder. Imagine two people who hate each other. Now imagine one of them getting married and the other standing next to him as their maid of honor/best man. They're not even looking at each other but there they are, next to this person they can no longer stand, just because they both felt "obligated". Capricorn represents the retirement age. By the way some of them dress, you'd think they were already retired, despite their age. They are ruled by the iron grip of Saturn, which brings them many good qualities that could use some balancing out and lightening up. This sign blends well with someone who is conscientious but smiles easily. Capricorn blossoms in a friendship with someone who they don't have to "babysit" or worry over. There's a difference between the lack of worry with someone who is lighthearted and the lack of worry over someone who never ever changes is very different.


The age of Aquarius. That's a catchy song. But yeah, these two people ruled by Uranus are incredibly unpredictable. Together they're doubly so. They don't balance each other out, nuh-uh. They just giggle together and they don't let on why. It's incredibly annoying to be around two Aquarians. They're different than most other of these pairings. When they meet, it feels so amazing it could bring their nearly icy selves to tears. They've never met anybody who is on the same wavelength as them. It feels like the sun breaking out of the clouds and they want that feeling to last as long as it's able. They are doubly brilliant, unpredictable and hilarious when they are together. The weirdness just piles sky high and they will continue to fail to notice long after slack-jawed onlookers lose interest for the next thing. This pair represents almost a second childhood that some older adults have after a long life of work and struggle. Aquarians were born to put down their briefcases, put a colander on their head and go forth and seek out the fun in life. Strikingly, mind-numbingly peculiar coincidences keep happening over and over and they fail to notice. These are the people who started watching LOST and just didn't see anything that special in it. My people.

Pisces + Pisces = The Lost Boys

Like the ones in Neverland, not Santa Carla (but nice call, I like your style and taste in Kiefer Sutherland movies). Two Pisces together bring down a Neptune-fueled fog that's not easy to get in or out of. They bring out some of the most pleasant qualities in each other that a Pisces can have. Easy-goingness, creativity. Oh the creativity. The Pisces people I know are some of the only ones that I am willing to tell people that they are an Artist with a capital A and no smirking. They really have a gift to comprehend all kinds of human nature and assure that it's equally respected and loved. Together they do just that. This sign represents the very end of life, and it's really fascinating to watch a Pisces child with that endlessly peaceful look on their face. On the bad end, this pair can sink down pretty low together. The foggy sort of feeling they get can be less from having a dreamy disposition and more chemically induced. It's super hard to drag someone out of their pit when you're in their with them. If this pair stays on the sunny side, this is a life-long friendship that will always fall right back into place even after the longest time away.

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