Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Be my compatabilibuddy?

One big thing that people like to know about is astrological compatibility. How do the signs get along with each other? Will we fall in love? Will we get along? Will we both try to poison each other and die at the same time? Will we meet, then find each other boring? In what order will these things happen? etc.

That depends on several factors:

1. The elements of the signs. (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
2. The polarity of the signs. (Feminine/Masculine)
3. The modality of the signs (Cardinal, Mutable, Fixed)
4. Rising signs/venus signs/moon signs, etc (What signs were present at the horizon and planet of venus and the moon. You can throw Mars signs in too if you feel like it.)

Ideally, you want these factors to be complimentary for the best outcome. People will often say that they're nothing like their Sun sign but when you dig further in their chart, their personality shows through. An Aries with a Virgo rising sign isn't going to act like a typical Aries. Their personality will be tempered with the earthiness of Virgo and they will still be part hell-raising ram but it might be applied in a more calculated and complex way.

Find your rising sign here.

The rising or ascendant sign is often the part of you that you show to the world. Some of the qualities in your rising sign may be your favorite things about yourself. Depending on the combination, you might notice some conflicting, complimentary or just straight up weird trends. I'm an Aquarius Sun and Sagittarius Rising. Those two signs are extremely complimentary and the air can occasionally whip the fire into a frenzy. When I'm happy, I can seem a little manic and I like that. My enthusiasm is legendary.

Don't put too much weight into just your Sun sign. It's a piece of the whole puzzle that is your birth chart. Anybody could be compatible with anybody. There are some blends that just work together better than others. For example, if you catch me dating a Capricorn again just shoot me. My ghost will forgive you. Unless they have like, a Pisces ascendant, Venus in Libra and Mars in Sagittarius or something. I could probably wing that.

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