Saturday, December 19, 2015

Inertia is a property of matter and a pain in the ass

Anybody can get stuck in a rut. It's one of the easiest things in the world. Getting out of a slump of a rut is the hard part. Some of us thrash around wildly, trying to free ourselves from the sticky muck of life. Some of us give in and let the muck take us. It could be worse, we think. Each sign deals with these feelings differently and it can take a special strategy to get out of the rut.

Aries in a rut. The Aries is usually outta there before a rut can even take hold on their lives. Even so, the best way for them to break away from the strains of daily life is to participate in some rigorous physical activity. When their hearts are pounding, the rest of the world just sort of fades away.

Taurus in a rut. The Taurus is actually the most comfortable in a rut of any sign. They spend their lives looking for the ideal routine and when they find it, they will wallow in its muck serenely. Should they find this rut to be increasingly uncomfortable, sort of an emotional bed sore if you will, they will slowly but surely climb out of their rut and seek a different rut. They will do it at their own speed, and in their own way.

Gemini in a rut. Gemini energy is the opposite of a rut. The only way they could be in a rut, is if they are constantly changing just for the sake of change. Throwing something away just because they can, just because the novelty has worn off, etc. Anybody with a modicum of maturity, could see that this is a very self destructive rut to be in. Gemini gets out of their "ruts" through sort of a learning process. They get out part of the way, then go back, learn some more, get out a little more, come back, grow up a little, then get out of the rut. This process happens at lightning speed though.

Cancer in a rut. Cancer enjoys a healthy routine to their lives. They were built to cycle through emotions like the phases of the moon. They're like the ocean, taking in whatever comes then tossing it to shore however they feel. Ruts for them aren't as stifling as they are for some other signs. They've built some flexibility into their comfort zones. To get out of a rut, a Cancer has to really want it. It also would have to be extremely negative for them to have the motivation to get out.

Leo in a rut. Being a fixed, Leo adapts better to a rut than any other fire sign. Leos love comfort and they're the rulers of their domain partially because it lets them set the standards and expectations. A rut where they feel like anything less than a first class citizen will not do for them and they will claw their way out of it in any way that they can.

Virgo in a rut. Virgos love, love, love routine! They will organize their lives and yours too so that things move smoothly. If a Virgo wants to get out of any kind of a routine, it's probably related to the fact that chaos has crept into it somehow. To many variables make Virgo nervous and they will find a way to cut out the variables to make sure that their lives go according to their well-documented plans. Virgo will chart, plot and find the most efficient way out of a routine that doesn't work for them.

Libra in a rut. When Libra finds themselves in a rut, they sort of flounder. They have no problem helping others with this issue. When a friend comes to them with a problem, they work to solve it quickly and skillfully. They have a really hard time turning putting these skills to use with themselves, though. It will take quite a kick in the ass for Libra to make any changes for themselves though. The symbol for Libra is the scales and for them, it can take two to balance them out and create a healthy equilibrium.

Scorpio in a rut. A Scorpio in a rut is a shady, cruel, nasty creature. Scorpio needs some kind of fun in their lives and if they find themselves in a negative rut, they will slowly self-destruct. It's painful to see, because they are passionate people and their wells run deep. They have a lot to offer the world but a Scorpio in a rut doesn't have much to offer other than the finger. To get out of a negative rut, Scorpio has to sort of retreat from the world and clean themselves out. Nobody can do it for them, and they have to want to do it. It takes an evolved person to realize that you're making an absolute mess out of everything and need to start over.

Sagittarius in a rut. Not bloody likely. Sagittarius is similar to Gemini in that, for them, change is the only constant. Sagittarius lets go of anything they don't need very easily and being in a rut is just bad for them. They can't do it, even if it's for their own good.  Routine is stifling and they avoid it at all costs.

Capricorn in a rut. Capricorns LOVE ruts, routines, patterns, the ol' tried and true. Once they find a way that works they will stick with it until the day they die and pass it on to their children and their grandchildren. Nothing will get a Capricorn out of their rut except for the end of their mortal lives. Even then, you might see their ghosts wandering through the house, washing on Monday, ironing on Tuesday, mending on Wednesday, and so on.

Aquarius in a rut. We Aquarians are bizarre but we still kind of like having our own peculiar routines that don't make sense to anybody else. These routines are comforting and they only get more peculiar as time wear on. They make connections that make sense to nobody else, and are probably reason that certain cataloging systems (ie Dewey Decimal System) were invented. Aquarius, even when they are entrenched in their own weirdness only rarely feel that they are stuck in a rut. Strangely enough, they just do more of the same things they usually do, just more enthusiastically to get rid of that feeling.

Pisces in a rut. Being in a rut is entirely unsuitable for the Pisces. They have to have ample space to move freely in their lives. The word "panic" doesn't often enter into their vocabulary but it goes with the image of a fish flopping and gasping for air. The Pisces is born to run, but if they are given too much space, that's just as bad as being closed in. They won't stay in that rut for long, they will break themselves out of any prison that would hold them in.

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