Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A lack of composure. No excuses.

In the past whiles I've limited my ramblings to mainly live performances (most often with a margarita in hand). Recently, I've felt the need to get back to typing it out and expressing myself with only the gentle clacking of my fingers on the keyboard.

That being said! Mercury is in retrograde! ( has a color-coded calendar that I recommend. The retrograde days are marked in OH SHIT red so you can prepare to pee your pants in uncomfortable silence in advance.) What the hell am I or anyone else thinking by re-starting or beginning anew in ANY pursuit related to communication of any sort?

I've perhaps jumped ahead a little. The planet Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and represents communication, messages from far away, technology and swift energy that rides along the surface of an idea never quite plunging into the dark depths of understanding but creating enough buzz and confidence to assure a certain type of competence to an observer.

A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to move backwards across the sky from Earth. Other planets go through a similar transition but the one that gets the most press is Mercury. Why?